P2 West 2024
2. Working Group: Addressing Alternatives to PFAS Containing Packaging & Foodware, Donna Walden
3. Working Group: Source Water Protection, Preventing PFAS Pollution, Nikki Guillot
4. Working Group: Addressing PFAS in Wastewater Treatment Systems, Amanda Lujan
6. Colorado Green Business Network Program Report, Oakley Jennings-Fast
7. Safer Choice Certification Assistance Program, Michelle Gaither
8. Hilo Reusable Foodware Project Overview, Autumn Buford
9. California Green Business Network Program Report, Lacey Raak
10. greenUP Nevada: Engaging Customers in Reusable Programs, Donna Walden
11. Safer Choice Labels for Industrial Products, Katy Wolf
12. Montana P2 Program: Barriers to Breakthroughs, Jenny Grossenbacher
13. Oregon DEQ P2 Project Report, Amanda Simmons
14. EPA P2 Grants, Theresa Blaine
Shared Resources
PFAS Resources:
Oregon Association of Clean Water Agencies (OR ACWA) PFAS and Phthalate Public Education & Outreach Toolkit: https://oracwa.org/pfas-phthalate-public-education-and-outreach-toolkit/
OR ACWA PFAS-free local government purchasing guide and a phthalate-free purchasing guide:
Resources shared during Wednesday’s project presentations:
Alaska Forum project to promote safer choice products: https://akforum.org/safer-choice/
Main website for California Green Business Program: https://greenbusinessca.org/
Reducing single-use plastic in Monterey Bay Area: https://greenbusinessca.org/turn-the-tide-on-plastic/
Promoting safer chemicals in childcare facilities in Monterey Bay and Central Valley areas: https://greenbusinessca.org/child-care/
Toxics Use Reduction Institute services to Assess Alternatives: https://www.turi.org/assessing-alternatives/